Pros and Cons of Adoption


Adoption is a process of love where a birth mother choses to give their child a new opportunity in live. However, this decision for the intended mother is not easy and involves happiness and grieve.

On the other hand, families seek to adopt a baby for different reasons such as a civic duty to grow their family with an adoptive child. Many parents will have great experiences during the adoption process, but others won't have such a good ones. It's really important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of adoption before you embark on this journey, as well as understand the main types of adoption processes.

Types of Adoptions

There are two main types of adoption: open adoptions and closed adoptions.

An open adoption is where birth parents can be involved in their baby's future life. Usually, the adoptive parents will share photos, letters, and regularly update the birth parents on any important milestone the baby achieves

A closed adoption is when the birth parent chose not to have any relationship o interaction with their baby. Many closed adoptions happen when the baby is adopted from overseas.

Pros and Cons of Adoption

Now that we know the two main types of adoption processes, let's start with some of the benefits of adoption:

· A Loving Home

Adoption is a chance to give a baby the best life they could ever have.

· A New Family Member

Families are blessed with a new family member with whom they can live memorable experiences.

Let's talk about some of the disadvantages and consequences of choosing adoption:

· Costs

The adoption process is not a cheap one, even a smooth adoption can be expensive. Adoptive parents need to be ready for all the expenses involved, specially the legal ones.

· Long process

Adopting a child is typically a long, and emotionally demanding process. You will need to go through the application process begore you are certified as an eligible adoptive family and placed in waiting list for a baby. Once you are in the waiting list, it can take months or years until you get your baby

· Difficult to Adjust and Identity Crisis

Sometimes for the adopted child (less frequently for the adoptive parents), It's not easy to adjust to a new family.

Adoption is not the only route to achieve your parenthood dream, you also can follow a surrogacy process.

If you are considering adoption, you need to know that every process is different. If you want to have a smooth and positive process, all the parties affected by the adoption need to be aware of the pros and cons of their choices. 

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